Language in Oslo
The official language of Norway is Norwegian, although everyone speaks English very well so you won't have problems being understood in English.
In general, you won't have any issues with the language in Oslo, but if you want to surround yourselves with the culture and local traditions, we've created a list of some Norwegian words and phrases that will be very useful in museums and restaurants.
- Hello - Hallo
- Goodbye - Farvel
- Good Morning - God morgen
- Good Night - God natt
- Please - Vær så snill
- Thank you - Takk
- You're welcome - Du er velkommen
At the restaurant
- Aperitf - Forrett
- Ice-cream - Iskrem
- Milk - Melk
- Tea - Te
- Roast - Bakt
- Stew - Kokt
- Fried - Stekt
- Salt - Salt
- Pepper - Pepper
- Onion - Løk
- Garlic - Hvitløk
- Prawns - Reker
- Vegetable - Verdure
- Fish - Fisk
- Lamb - Lam
- Rice - Ris
- Chicken - Kylling
- Pork - Svin
- Beef - Kalv
- Fruit - Frukt
- The bill - Kontoen
Days of the week
- Monday - Mandag
- Tuesday - Tirsdag
- Wednesday - Onsdag
- Thursday - Torsdag
- Friday - Fredag
- Saturday - Lørdag
- Sunday - Søndag
- One - Ett
- Two - To
- Three - Tre
- Four - Fire
- Five - Fem
- Six - Seks
- Seven - Sju
- Eight - åtte
- Nine - Ni
- Ten - Ti